Performance Recording with LAMBPLAN

LAMBPLAN provides practical information for sheep producers on the genetic potential of the animal. Sheep are ranked according to various production characteristics using Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs). ASBVs are available for growth, carcase and reproduction.

ASBVs are directly comparable across flocks within a breed and across breed in the terminal sire group of breeds.

Performance recording is an objective means of benchmarking the genetic capabilities of our own animals against animals from other studs, free of known environmental biases such as rearing type and feed regime.

Traits that we measure and record include the following; Sire and Dam, Date of Birth, Birth Type and rearing type (ie single twin etc), weaning weight, post weaning weight, yearling weight, post weaning eye muscle depth, post weaning fat depth & scrotal circumference.

The performance information collected from the above is analysed by the LAMBPLAN computer to produce Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBV’s). The ASBVs are used in conjunction with visual appraisal to select future sires and dams in our breeding programs.

The information is also used to monitor the performance of the progeny from these animals to ensure they are breeding the type of offspring that meets our breeding objective.

Click here to find more information about LAMBPLAN.

How do ASBVs help in the selection of rams?

  • They take into account the performance of the ram’s relatives as well as the animal’s own performance.

  • It uses an industry standard language that means the same wherever you are.

  • They allow you to compare rams on the basis of how they will breed (breeding value) rather than how well they have been fed (environmental influence).

  • They can be used to accurately estimate progeny performance for specific traits and to predict the outcome of breeding programs.

  • They identify genetic differences for hard to see traits such as maternal ability & reproductive performance of daughters.

  • They report differences in units of commercial value, eg. carcase yield, numbers of lambs weaned.

“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion”.

W. Edwards Deming