Etiwanda White Dorpers

Hardy, profitable, and unpampered White Dorpers that have never been shorn.
Grass-raised on the rangelands of Cobar and performance recorded on LAMBPLAN.
Rangeland raised flock rams. Ready to go. Bred like they ought to be!
Rangeland Raised Flock Rams
Designed and priced to be profitable for their owners.
Stud Rams
Full blood white dorper rams. DNA tested.
Stud Ewes
Full blood white dorper ewes. DNA tested.
Private Treaty Flock Rams
From $880.00/head
Etiwanda commercial rams are designed and priced to be profitable for their owners. All our rams are born unassisted, are paddock reared and grass raised, they are adapted & hardy and will transfer easily into your commercial operation. In our own business we won’t tolerate stock that are not functional, structurally correct & well-muscled and we expect no less for our clients.
People travel from all over to access the Etiwanda Rangeland Ready commercial rams as they know they will not melt and fall to pieces when they take them home and put them to work. The top grade rams go through the Annual Etiwanda On Property Sale. These rams are followed by the commercial rams that we sell off farm throughout the year.
“We produce organic lamb in the Rangelands of Western NSW, and have been using Etiwanda Rams since 2003. Our Business plan is to optimise $ return per acre.
The Mosely’s use of ASBV’s enables us to select traits we know deliver the fertile, fast growing, well-muscled lamb we, and our customer’s desire.
We highly recommend Etiwanda Dorpers and recognise Andrew and Megan as leaders in breeding animals that are ready to produce in the paddock and that give a high return on investment.”
Justin and Julie McClure
Kallara Station, Tilpa, NSW
Technology making life easy! Auto- drafting the stud ewes by EID tags into their lambing groups of singles, twins & triplets.